These are the 10 commandments which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. When God spoke
these commandments, He did not leave it to a human being to write down His law. God engraved,
with His own finger, His 10 commandments onto two tables of stone.
Some say that God’s law was just given to the Jews and does not apply to them. So are they
saying that since they are not Jews that it’s alright for them to dishonor their parents, to murder, or
to commit adultery.
God gave His law to the whole world, just not to a specific people group. God’s law is still viable
The commandment which people today have the most trouble with is the fourth commandment
which states that the seventh day is the Sabbath.
I have heard it say that the seventh day Sabbath is the Jewish Sabbath and that they keep the new
Sabbath which is the first day of the week which honors the resurrection of Jesus.
The seventh day Sabbath is not any one organizations “Sabbath”. The seventh day Sabbath is
God’s Sabbath because He created it. No where in the Bible does it say that God changed the
sacredness of the Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day.
The Bible tells us that the seventh day Sabbath, which God created, will be kept by those who go
to heaven with Him.
“And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another,
all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 66:23 *
If the seventh day Sabbath is going to be kept in heaven, don’t you think that it should be kept
here on earth while we wait for Jesus to come back to take those who have accepted Him as their
Lord and Savior to heaven with Him.
* New King James Version
God’s Law - The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:3-17 New King James Version