Without a job, I moved back to live with my parents while searching for work.  Since I remembered the hard time I had finding work before, I went to several government agencies for help but received little to no help at all. One day, my Mom took me aside and said that she was really glad that I was home because Dad was getting sick. Mom called to me one evening because she couldn’t get any response from Dad.  He was awake and sitting up in bed but we couldn’t get any response from him.  The ambulance was called and he was rushed to the hospital. Mom stayed in the hospital with Dad 24/7.  When she had an appointment to go to, she would call me and I would come and stay with Dad until she got back.  Dad kept his eyes closed because, according to the doctor, his body just didn’t have enough energy to keep his eyes open or to talk that much.  I had read a promise in the Bible which gave me hope of the Lord working things out in my life.  I shared it with Dad, who had been listening, and then Dad said “That’s all fine son, but you need a job”. One day, I was in Dad’s hospital room with Mom and suddenly Dad said two distinct words, “Second Coming”.  Mom asked me to go over to Dad and ask him what the Second Coming was.  I went over to Dad’s bed and asked him “Dad, can you please tell me what the Second Coming is, I want to know”.  With no hesitation and in clear speech he said “Jesus is coming back to take His children home and we will live with Him forever.”  I asked Dad if he was looking forward to that day and he said an astounding ‘yes’.  Dad died while in the hospital and he was 84 years old.  This happened in 2004.  I got a job working at a new Wal-Mart which had opened about 2 miles from where we lived in 2006.  I worked part-time as a People Greeter for 6 years.  During these years, I continued to live with Mom and helping her whenever and however I could.
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